Liber Annuus LXXI-LXXIII (2021-2023)

Liber Annuus LXXI (2021)

Articoli in BrepolsOnline

A. Popović, Il compito, il permesso, il divieto e la punizione (Gen 2,15-17) (pp. 9-45)
D. Volgger, Die Dynamik des werdenden Volkes Abrahams in Gen 12–25 (pp. 47-78)
M. Settembrini, La calunnia di Miriam: rilievi su Numeri 12 (pp. 79-100)
J.P.R. Ondoua Omgba, La beauté poético-musicale des psaumes au service de la théologie : le cas du Ps 85 (pp. 101-124)
V.A. Condrea, The verbless sentence of Biblical Hebrew: a grammatical and a text-linguistic reading (pp. 125-153)
M. Munari, Perfetti o misericordiosi? (Mt 5,48 // Lc 6,36) (pp. 155-170)
F. Filannino, Eine notwendige Alternative? Eine »inklusive« Interpretation von ὡς παιδίον (Mk 10,15) (pp. 171-187)
P. Blajer, Luke’s Skillful Account of the Unsuccessful Inaugural Speech in Nazareth: A Narrative Study of Luke 4:16-30 (pp. 189-210)
P. Blajer, Function and Purpose of the Five Major Travel Notices in Luke: The Structure of the Lukan Journey Section Reconsidered (pp. 211-228)
L. Giuliano, 1Ts 2,1–3,13: una periautologia paracletica (pp. 229-248)
E. Chiorrini, La Scrittura parla forse per invidia? Gc 4,5 e l’esigenza dell’amore di Dio (pp. 249-288)
T. Vuk, The so-called Syrian clay mortars with stamp inscriptions: general classification and first edition or re-edition of some exemplars (pp. 289-341)
R. Pierri, Base di un ambone d’epoca bizantina con iscrizione nel Terra Sancta Museum (pp. 343-380)
B. Storchan - R. Albag, A new reconstruction of the church at Ḥorbat Ḥanot in the Judean Shephelah (pp. 381-395)
S. Dar, The Roman Villa in Eretz Israel: A Solution for Agrarian and Historical Problems (pp. 397-424)
A. Ecker - P. Betzer - L. Di Segni, Four New Burial Inscriptions and a Survey of the Nessana Necropolis (pp. 425-440)
Á. Bollók - Y. Tepper, The Changing Fashion of Belt Accessories in the Southern Levant: Sixth- to Seventh-Century Belt Accessories from Shivta (pp. 441-492)
A. Ovadiah - S. Mucznik, Asklepios, Helios, Hygieia and Sarapis in the Decapolis (pp. 493-509)
R.E. Jackson-Tal - R. Chachy - Y.  Kalman - E. Netzer - G. Foerster - R. Porat, Between Rulers and Rebels: The Glass Finds from the Mountain Palace-Fortress at Herodium (pp. 511-544)
Sintesi degli articoli (Abstracts) (pp. 545-555)
Recensioni (pp. 557-596)
Anno Accademico 2020-2021 (pp. 597-599)
Indici Liber Annuus 1981-2020 (pp. 601-614)


Liber Annuus LXXII (2022)

Articoli in BrepolsOnline

A. Popović, La trasgressione in Gen 3,1-7 (pp. 9-46)
D. Volgger, Die Dynamik des im Werden begriffenen Volkes Abrahams unter Isaak und Jakob in Gen 25–50 (pp. 47-88)
S. Vuaran, Tre compravendite di terreni, Gen 23, 2Sam 24 e Rt 4, e la ‘peripezia’ di Aristotele (pp. 89-107)
M. Priotto, Il Mosè deuteronomico verso la terra promessa (pp. 109-139)
B. Štrba, Joshua’s profile at the descent from Mount Sinai (pp. 141-178)
V. Lopasso, A sketch of the Babylonian Exile (pp. 179-190)
G. Geiger, Mehrfach überlieferte Texte in der hebräischen Bibel: Masoretische Vokalisierung und Akzentuierung (pp. 191-231)
T. Abraha, The Gә’әz Bible: Notes on its origins and translation techniques (pp. 233-260)
M. Munari, La fine di Q (Mt 19,28 // Lc 22,28-30) (pp. 261-275)
P. Blajer, Centurion’s ‘Slave’ or ‘Servant’: A Narrative Study of Luke 7:1-10 (pp. 277-306)
A. Cavicchia, Genealogical Terminology and Ethical Behavior in John 8:31-59 (pp. 307-335)
S. Salvatori, Noi abbiamo il pensiero di Cristo: νοῦς κυρίου e νοῦς Χριστοῦ in 1Cor 2,16 (pp. 337-359)
J.M. García Pérez, My Death like Christ’s (1 Tess 4,14-18) (pp. 361-380)
F. Piazzolla, God’s creation and its Christological fulfilment in the Book of Revelation (pp. 381-397)
L. Di Segni - L. Bouzaglou - A. Fantalkin, A Recently Discovered Church at Ashdod-Yam (Azotos Paralios) in Light of Its Greek Inscriptions (pp. 399-447)
F.R. Stasolla et alii, Archaeological excavations in Jerusalem, Holy Sepulchre: a preliminary report (pp. 449-486)
F. Snyder - O. Chalaf - N. Szanton - M. Hagbi - A. Levy, Opus Sectile Tiles from the Stepped Street Excavations: Reconstructing a Portion of a Decorative Wall Panel from the Byzantine Church at the Pool of Siloam (pp. 487-509)
G. Vörös, The Lost Key to the Tomb of the Kings in Jerusalem: A Freshly Discovered Stone Relief in Machaerus Identifies its Founder as King Herod the Great (pp. 511-527)
S. Tarkhanova, Early Byzantine ‘Basket’ Capitals in Churches and Monasteries of the Holy Land: Stylistic and Morphological Synthesis (pp. 529-561)
D. Cascianelli, Pietro, la colonna e il gallo. La memoria della casa di Caifa nelle raffigurazioni del ter negabis (pp. 563-586)
Y. Tchekhanovets - L. Belyaev, The Russian Collection of Antiquities in Jerusalem: A First Reconstruction (pp. 587-620)
A. Ovadiah, The Dioskouroi, Eros, Hades/Pluto, Hera, Kronos, Nemesis and Tyche in the Decapolis (pp. 621-650)
M. Pazzini, Grammatiche e dizionari di ebraico-aramaico in italiano. Catalogo ragionato – Aggiornamento (giugno 2022) (pp. 651-655)
Sintesi degli articoli (Abstracts) (pp. 657-668)
Recensioni (pp. 669-714)
Anno Accademico 2021-2022 (pp. 715-720)
Indici Liber Annuus 1981-2021 (pp. 721-735)


Liber Annuus LXXIII (2023)

Articoli in BrepolsOnline (presto disponibili)

D. Volgger, Das Volk Israel und der Beginn seiner Gesellschaftsordnung: Ex 1–18 (pp. 9-52)
D. Lo Sardo, Textual Development of the Bronze Basin (Exod 38:8) among the Textual Witnesses (pp. 53-74)
G. Benzi, «La gloria di Yhwh risplende su di te» (Is 60,1). Is 56,9–64,11 nel libro di Isaia e centralità di Is 60,1-22 (pp. 75-94)
V. Lopasso, The Eschatological Jerusalem in Zechariah 14 (pp. 95-103)
M. Grenier, Planting Salvation and Raining Resurrection in Ancient Judaism (pp. 105-125)
M. Munari, Gerusalemme in Mt. La città del gran re (pp. 127-145)
P. Blajer, The Palestinian Geography of Luke in its Context (pp. 147-179)
E. Chiorrini, Questa generazione non durerà... παρέρχομαι in Mc 13,30 / Mt 24,34 / Lc 21,32 (pp. 181-216)
M.M. Baldacci - A. Cavicchia, καὶ ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ἐγένετο... Riscontri profetici a partire da Gv 1,14a (pp. 217-244)
E.J. Wyckoff, Jesus, Foreign Women, and the Expanding Mission in the Synoptics and John (pp. 245-264)
L. Giuliano, Il participio nella peroratio di Col 4,2-6: valore sintattico e funzione retorica (pp. 265-281)
P. Messina, «If I may»: ‫בבעו‬ in the corpus of Targum Neofiti (pp. 283-310)
G. Geiger, Genisat Germania: Sefer Mizwot gadol, Sefer Avi ha-ʿEzri und weitere hebräische Fragmente in Bucheinbänden aus bayerischen Franziskanerklöstern (pp. 311-326)
M. Girolami, Il testo greco ed ebraico della Scrittura giudaica negli scritti cristiani del II e III secolo d.C. (pp. 327-363)
L. Di Segni - J. Ashkenazi - M. Aviam - R.S. Notley, The Greek Inscriptions from ‘The Church of St. Peter’ at Bethsaida (el-‘Araj) (pp. 365-384)
F.R. Stasolla et alii, Archaeological excavations in the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem: 2023 preliminary report (pp. 385-418)
S. Tarkhanova, Early Byzantine Two-zoned ‘Bowl’ Capitals in Churches and Monasteries of the Holy Land as Local Artistic Phenomenon (pp. 419-476)
Y. Shivtiel, Galilee during the Bar Kokhba Revolt: Ancient Testimonies and Modern Evidence Based on the Hiding Complexes (pp. 477-513)
S. Dar, Archaeological Evidence for Samaritan Expansion after the Bar-Kokhba Revolt (132-136 CE) (pp. 515-531)
M. Sala, Qumran Caves in Context: Lamps Q43 and Q44 from Cave 1Q as a Case Study (pp. 533-557)
G. Vörös, The Peristyle Courtyard of Alexandrium/Sartaba in the Light of the Herodian Royal Palace in Machaerus: A Comparative Architectural and Archaeological Analysis, 40 Years After the Excavations and Surveys in 1981 and 1983 (pp. 559-575)
Á. Bollók - A. Dayan, Lamps and Lighting Devices in Late Antique Funerary Liturgies of the Levantine Provinces of the Later Roman Empire (pp. 577-626)
Sintesi degli articoli (Abstracts) (pp. 627-638)
Recensioni e libri ricevuti (pp. 639-654)
Anno Accademico 2022-2023 (pp. 655-660)
Indici Liber Annuus 1981-2022 (pp. 661-672)