Coniglio – Ricco, Holy Land. Archaeology on Either Side (Collectio Maior 57)

Alessandro Coniglio – Amedeo Ricco (ed.), Holy Land. Archaeology on Either Side. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Eugenio Alliata, ofm (Collectio Maior 57), Milano 2020

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The title of the volume may be a little perplexing: Archaeology on Either Side. But on either side of what?

The picture we chose for the front cover might give an indication of the answer. This image shows two sides of the River Jordan – the Israeli side and the Jordanian side – both part of the Holy Land! Or we might understand the “either side” of our topic in another way, that is, archaeology both as the study of artifacts and archaeology as the study of literary sources.

In the contributions the reader will find all these topics and much more: essays on excavations or archaeological findings in the Holy Land as defined above, and essays on literary sources linked to the history of the ancient Near East, especially in the time of the Christian/Common Era (CE).

The book is made up of three main sections: - “Excavations and Topographical Surveys”; - “Architecture, Decorations, and Art”; - “Epigraphy and Sigillography”. Some articles touch on more than one specific section, so they may be found between sections.



D. Massara, Eugenio Alliata: List of Publications


A. Kohn-Tavor – J. Ashkenazi – M. Aviam, Excavations of Three Byzantine Churches in the Western Galilee: Two Churches at Ḥorvat Karkara and the Eastern Church at Ḥorvat ‘Erav, a Preliminary Report
J. Patrich – T. Backner – S. Burger – S. Tarkhanova, Churches of the Holy Land – A New Digital Corpus Introduction and Some Preliminary Results
C. Dauphin, The Garden of the Lord: Works and Days in the Byzantine Agricultural Landscape of Mefaa (Umm ar-Rasas), Jordan
D. Bianchi, St Stephen’s Relics on the Move: a Topographical Devotion between East and West
L. Nigro, Le necropoli di Betlemme e la storia della città nel II e I millennio a.C.
G. Vörös, The Bema in the Lithostrotos-Gabbatha on the Golgotha of Saint John the Baptist: The Apsidal Judgement-Seat Throne-Niche of Tetrarch Antipas in the Stone-Paved Herodian Royal Peristyle Courtyard of the Fortified Machaerus Mountaintop-Palace Overlooking the Dead Sea in Transjordan


J.M. Briffa, The Iron Age Figurines from Mount Nebo. Connections on both sides of the Jordan
S. Burger, Architectural Changes in the Churches of the Holy Land in the Transition from the Byzantine to Islamic Rule
L. Habas, The Appearance of Crosses in Mosaic Floors in the Churches of Israel, and the Edict of Emperor Theodosius II – Rule and Reality
S. Lutan-Hassner, The Holy Land: Reality and Vision in Medieval Art
A. Ovadiah, The Symbolic / Allegorical Images of the Early Christian Church and Its Architectural Elements
S. Tarkhanova, The Classical Morphology and Proportions under the Early Byzantine Pressure: Pseudo-Ionic Capitals in Churches and Synagogues in the Land of Israel. Sub-Roman or Sub-Byzantine Style?
Z. Friedman, The Origin of the Personification and the Attributes of the Four Rivers Out of Paradise Depicted in Roman-Byzantine Mosaics
D. Massara, Mosaico con volatile da vecchi scavi sul Sion (proprietà francescana, cimitero latino)
B. Hamarneh, Pottery in Context on 8th – 9th Century Deposits in the Churches of Arabia and Palaestina
A. Michel, Un coffret de terre cuite provenant de la nécropole de Saint-Seurin de Bordeaux


L.N. Sharabi – Y. Tchekhanovets – D. Ben Ami, Early Christian Graffiti from Fourth-Century Jerusalem
L. Di Segni – J. Ashkenazi, Newly Discovered Inscriptions from Three Churches in Upper Western Galilee
L. Di Segni, Unrecognized and/or Misunderstood Toponyms in Inscriptions
E. Puech, L’inscription en araméen christo-palestinien de ‘Abûd (Samarie)
A. Ricco, Il primo edificio di culto presso il luogo venerato dell’Annunciazione a Nazaret (340 d.C. ca.): riesame della cronologia delle fasi e rilettura di alcuni graffiti (IV-V sec. d.C.)
B. Callegher, Pelagius / Πέλαγιος in a Group of Monogrammed Seals